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This page provides high-level overviews of the dependencies and features that are supported by each revision in every stable release.

To learn more about the different release tracks and channels, see the Juju documentation about channels.

To see all releases and commits, check the Charmed PostgreSQL Releases on GitHub.

Dependencies and supported features

For a given release, this table shows:

  • The PostgreSQL version packaged inside
  • The minimum Juju version required to reliably operate all features of the release

    This charm still supports older versions of Juju down to 2.9. See the system requirements for more details

  • Support for specific features
Revision PostgreSQL version Juju version TLS encryption* COS monitoring Minor version upgrades Cross-regional async replication Point-in-time recovery PITR Timelines
494, 495 14.15 3.6.1+ check check check check check check
462, 463 14.13 3.6.1+ check check check check check check
444, 445 14.12 3.4.3+ check check check check check
381, 382 14.12 3.4.3+ check check check check check
280, 281 14.11 3.4.2+ check check check check
193 14.10 3.4.2+ check check check check
177 14.9 3.1.6+ check check
158 14.9 3.1.5+ check check
73 14.7 2.9.32+

TLS encryption*: Support for v2 or higher of the tls-certificates interface. This means that you can integrate with modern TLS charms.

For more details about a particular revision, refer to its dedicated Release Notes page. For more details about each feature/interface, refer to their dedicated How-To guide.

Architecture and base

Several revisions are released simultaneously for different bases/series using the same charm code. In other words, one release contains multiple revisions.

If you do not specify a revision on deploy time, Juju will automatically choose the revision that matches your base and architecture.

If you deploy a specific revision, you must make sure it matches your base and architecture via the tables below or with juju info.

Release 494, 495

Revision amd64 arm64 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
494 check check
495 check check
Older releases

Release 462, 463

Revision amd64 arm64 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
462 check check
463 check check

Release 444-445

Revision amd64 arm64 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
445 check check
444 check check

Release 381-382

Revision amd64 arm64 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
382 check check
381 check check

Release 280-281

Revision amd64 arm64 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
281 check check
280 check check

Release 193

Revision amd64 arm64 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
193 check check

Release 177

Revision amd64 arm64 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
177 check check

Release 158

Revision amd64 arm64 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
158 check check

Release 73

Revision amd64 arm64 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
73 check check


For a list of all plugins supported for each revision, see the reference page Plugins/extensions.

Note Our release notes are an ongoing work in progress. If there is any additional information about releases that you would like to see or suggestions for other improvements, don’t hesitate to contact us on Matrix or leave a comment.

Last updated 21 days ago. Help improve this document in the forum.